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Question After going through the MIL-883 model, we discovered a different situation in which a shield device can be destroyed by ESD when it is removed from that environment. I ask if you agree. Also I am looking for references that state the leads need to be shorted when kept in an ESD bag for the protection to work! - Anonymous, Milpitas, CA
Answer Your question regarding possible damage when removing sensitive materials from an ESD shielding bag is answered as yes. Triboelectric generation can charge an object (like one in a shielding bag) and may lead to ESD problems during removal. You want to specify the property of antistatic when ordering shielding bags. Antistatic implies that the material inhibits the act of tribocharging. All of the shielding bags we sell have this property built into the film. Part two of your question, regarding shorting all leads on an electronic device during storage or transportation, is answered as follows: Depending on the sensitivity of your devices (check with the manufacture or VZAP data), you may need to short all inputs. Shorting or clamping the inputs does give you added protection from an ESD between two inputs.
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