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Question My company is the manufacture of PCs. One of our reliability tests is ESD. Our standard is IEC-810-4 L3, Air:8kV, contact:6kV. But we want to sell to buyers in California, USA. Can you tell me about how many kV of ESD there [is used for testing in the States]? - Anonymous, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Answer There are 3 tests that should be used when testing for ESD susceptibility: Human Body Model (Voltage waveform of + & - 4,000 Volts into a 0 & 500 Ohm load), Charged Device Model (Voltage waveform up to 2,000 Volts), and Machine Model (Voltage waveform of + & - 400 Volts into a 0 & 500 Ohm load). These include a summary of the voltage stress limits. Note there are varying waveform requirements based on different impedance loads. These standards are available from the ESD Association in Rome, New York.
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