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Question We are using grounded floor mat for our ESD work station. Do we need to add ESD proof chairs to the system? What can we use to replace the standard foot rest to meet the MIL-STD-1686? - Chung, Chu, System Planning Corporation, Arlington, VA
Answer ESD proofing your chairs will depend on the ESD sensitivity levels of the components you are handling. Since voltages of well over 10 kV can be generated from standard chairing, an effort to reduce the tribocharging on your current non-ESD chairs would be in order. Two possible suggestions in lieu of replacement would be (1) cover the fabric surfaces with a grounded dissipative material such as an ESD chair cover or (2) spray the chairs with an topical antistatic solution such as Reztore™ Topical Antistat products. ESD grounded floor mats are an integral part of your ESD control program if used in conjunction with ESD Shoes or Foot Grounders. For operators working at a bench in a sitting position need to also wear grounded ESD Wrist Straps. It is also suggested, for very sensitive ESD items, to wear grounded ESD smocks.
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