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Question Sometimes I received complaints from the operators of our PCB assembly line, that when they use the wrist strap, they experience current from the strap to their body. I cannot quantify the current value, but it is enough to be felt like you are grounded. I suspect that there might have faulty grounding systems between human ground, machine ground, and electrical ground. Is there any other possible cause of this sudden rise in current? To my enthusiast, can i set the machine ground and human ground to one common point? What do you suggest? –Anonymous, Cabuyao, Laguna, Philippines
Answer This sounds like you have faulty wiring, either the wiring or electrical appliance may be shorting. You need to have an electrician check the power (ground, neutral and hot) lines. If the ground is carrying a live current, then I would suggest that the operators not wear their wrist straps. Once the wiring is fixed, it is recommended to keep the power ground (equipment) and the ESD ground as the same ground for maximum ESD protection.
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