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Question The ANSI S20.20 document is intended for to protect EDSDs that are 100V HBM sensitive. Our devices do not appear to require this level of ESD protection. How should we alter our implementation of an ESD program? Does an alternate standard exist for less sensitive devices? - Anonymous, San Diego, CA,
Answer No, your customers would expect that you conform to ANSI/ESD S20.20. However, you can modify your ESD control plan per paragraph 6.0.3. Tailoring "This document, or portions thereof, may not apply to all applications. Tailoring is accomplished by evaluating the applicability of each requirement for the specific application. Upon completion of the evaluation, requirements may be added, modified or deleted. Tailoring decisions, including rationale, shall be documented in the ESD Control Program Plan (hereafter referred to as the “Plan”)." For more information please email us at
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