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Question Do ESD shielding bags HAVE to be sealed in order to be effective? Can a component inside be damaged if the bag is not sealed say (for example) as a body is carrying it from one area to another in their hands? NOTE: The person transporting it is traipsing over unprotected floors and carpets and isn’t wearing any special smocks or footwear.
Answer The ESD Metal In or Metal Out Shielding Bag should be closed restriction electromagnetic charges to the exterior. Per ESD Handbook TR20.20 section 5 C. Transportation of ESDS items outside an Electrostatic Protected Area requires enclosure in static protective materials, although the type of material depends on the situation and destination. Inside a Protected Area, low charging and static dissipative materials may provide adequate protection. Outside a Protected Area, low charging and static discharge shielding materials are recommended.”Transporting the ESD sensitive item walking on a normal insulative floor is outside the EPA, and shielding is recommended.
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