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Question What is the difference in meaning between these symbols. Our standard symbol is the RS-471 which has a diagonal cross through the hand. An older symbol does not have the cross, but instead, an arch over the top. Is one a "protective" symbol and the other a "susceptible" symbol? - Crowboro, UK
Answer Yes, the symbol with triangle/hand and line through it is the ESD Susceptibility symbol and is used on assemblies and devices that have a sensitivity to ESD events. You can even incorporate the ESD Sensitivity Components Classification, HBM, Table 1, of ESD-S5.1 into the symbol placed on the central area. The other symbol, the triangle/hand surrounded by a bold arc is the ESD protective symbol and is used to identify items that are specifically designed to provide ESD protection for ESDS assemblies and devices. Examples of these are packaging (ESD bags, Brick's ESD Corrugated Packaging, ESD Tote boxes, etc.), ESD protective clothing and personnel grounding equipment. The ESD protective symbol should also be used on items designed to replace static generative materials. Examples of these items are ESD protective work station equipment, ESD 3-ring binders, trash can liners, and chairs. The item is to be ESD protective or non-static generative by design
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