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Question What is static dissapativeness for a ESD workstation ? How do I test a portable ESD work station for static dissapativeness ? What methodology do I use ? Resistance check ? Please provide all information relating to this with respect to ISO 9000. –Anonymous, California, Maryland
Answer If you don’t have a standard to use as a guideline for your ESD Control program, I would recommend the ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999, which can be downloaded for free at:, if adopted and implemented into your ISO program, this standard would be more then satisfactory. The recommended dissipative range for an ESD workstation is <1x109 ohm and > 1x106 ohm per ESD-S4.1, the ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999 only considers a boundary on the upper range, because it wants to include clean room users who use stainless steel worksurfaces.

I would recommend using the ESD-S4.1 standard for testing worksurfaces. The equipment needed is a Megohmeter and two 5 pound electrodes with specifications detailed in the standard. A good meter to use that was built around this standard is our LCD Megohmeter.

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