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Question In our assembly we are using a conveyorized line which is controlled by so many relays. This was then put in 1 control box. measuring the emi its quite high at 3EM Eye. We have tried covering inside part of the box by pomalux we have reading of 1EM Eye. The specs we're using is 0.3EM Eye. Question is, what else do we need to do for us to meet the target at 0.3EM Eye?

By the way, there parts passing to this control box that's why we really need to lessen it to 0.3EM Eye.
- Anonymous, muka kuning, batam, NON, Indonesia
Answer To summarize, you are reading large electric fields on the control box. By coating the inside with a dissipative plastic, you were able to reduce the electric field reading by 1/3. It sounds like the control box is being tribocharged during the conveying process. I would advise using ionization to control charge build up from tribocharing, possible treating the conveyer with ReZtore(tm) Topical Antistat. If the control box is metal or conductive, then employ grounding techniques on the box during the assembly process.

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