Questions And Answers

# Question Rating Category(s) Date
105 How can we obtain written procedure for handling ESD product... 100% Static Electricity, Electricity
175 I am doing research on ESD Standards and prevention products... 100% Static Electricity, Electricity
351 Could you please tell me exactly how fast the electron/proto... 0% Discharge Times, Electricity
717 My daughter has a cochlear implant which is susceptible to f... 0% ESD, Static Electricity, Electricity 5/3/2001
730 I am looking for alternatives to the mylar tape we currently... 80% Static Electricity, Tape, Electricity 5/15/2001
807 Kindly help me in finding details about 'static collector'. ... 0% Electric Fields, Static Electricity, Test Equipment, Electricity 10/13/2000
813 What are the differences between static electricity and volt... 0% Static Electricity, Electricity 10/24/2000
927 In your answer to question #133 it is recommended no conduct... 0% Antistatic (Low Charging), Insulators, Static Electricity, Electricity 6/4/2001
1029 I recently found out that my problem with electronics could ... 100% EMI, Static Electricity, Electricity 8/31/2001
1078 What are the differences between static electricity and volt... 0% Electricity 12/22/1753
1079 Is there any equipment that you know of that can measure the... 0% Static Electricity, Education, Electricity 12/21/1753
1099 Where can I find documentation on the appropriate use of the... 100% Electricity 7/14/1753
1114 Is it true that a significant amount of electrostatic voltag... 0% Static Electricity, Electricity 6/18/1753
1118 We are looking for guidelines in the use of fans around ESD ... 94% Static Electricity, Electricity 5/25/1753
1161 We have an Earth Ground system in our building. Is it accep... 100% Grounding, Electricity, Ground Cords, Electronics 10/18/2004
1193 During surface to ground check of certain Mats and ESD lamin... 70% Grounding, Test Equipment, Electricity 6/29/2005
1506 Hi,

I read in the "ESD Mathematics" training guide&nb...
100% Wrist Straps, Electricity, Health & Safety, ANSI/ESD S20.20 2/7/2012