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Question What are the differences between static electricity and voltaic electricity about the physical and electrical characteristics?

Answer The quick answer: static electricity is a surface charge at rest that then becomes mobile via a conductive path between two different potentials and voltaic electricity is a stored chemical charge, i.e. from a battery, that becomes mobile when provided a conductive circuit.

There are many types of ways to generate an electric current:
The varieties in question are: `common', that produced by friction; `voltaic', that produced by chemical action; `magneto', that produced in electromagnetic generators; `thermo', that produced by heat­ing the point of contact of two dissimilar metals; `animal', that produced by, for example, electric eels.

Specifically, Voltaic electricity, electricity in motion, or as a current produced by chemical decomposition, as by means of a voltaic battery, or by mechanical action, as by dynamo-electric machines.

Static electricity - stationary electricity, i.e., in the form of a charge in equilibrium, or considered independently of the effects of its motion. This is really a misnomer, as electricity is in fact electrons in motion, i.e., traveling electrons or current… the correct definition would be a charge at rest (kind of like potential energy that has the ability to become kinetic energy at the drop of a hat) that can become an electrical current when brought in contact with a conductor at a different potential.
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