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Question We have a requirement from our customer to meet Bellcore GR-1252-CORE ECD class 1 protection when shipping our product out. We design and manufacture Switching Power Supply, for this customer, our product contains EPOM, this product is packaging with 1 main PCB (double sided) and with top, front, 2 sides, and bottom (solder side) surrounded with 0.040 thick aluminum chassis (not fully shield, i.e. have vent slots etc.) rear end is fully open. My question is: What kind of ESD bag is required of packing purpose? - Danny Fan, Tectrol Inc., Downsview, Ontario
Answer Direct from Pete Ortolani, representing Bellcore, the GR1252, for packaging, says that "antistatic" shall be employed were ESD damage can occur. Further, exactly what is specified is dependent on the what sensitive devices you are trying to protect and the program already in place. You also call out class 1, which refers to the MIL-STD-1686 standard classifying an ESDS (electrostatic discharge sensitive) components to be susceptible to damage from ESD voltages greater than 0 to 1,999 Volts. Our recommendation for a class 1 device would be to employ a metal-in shielding bag, known to meet the stringent electrical and mechanical requirements of the MIL-B-81705C, which also has the inside property of being "antistatic". This bag would serve as an ESD protective package in addition to any mechanical protective packaging your switching power supply may already be employing.
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